The Sardine Run
Baja Mexico

Travelling with Nomad diving, Chris and Pancha, a local Mexican husband and wife team dedicated to ocean exploration and sharing their love for the ocean with others. We travelled for 3 hours each morning from the town of Magdalena Bay on the south west coast of Baja, to reach the sardine run around 70km offshore. The focus was to capture the striped marlin chasing down the bait balls, we were also joined by sea lions and two Brydes Whales over the three days taking their turn on the bait balls.

On the last dive on the last day off the coast of Mexico’s Mag bay with nomad diving I entered the water to capture tuna attacking a bait ball, only to have a fully grown 13 meter Bryde’s whale take the bait ball with her calf swimming below, I don’t know who was more shocked, but when the calf caught my eye she bolting straight towards and then past me. I was shooting wide open 16mm and the GoPro is filming super wide, which puts into perspective just how close I came, I had to pull my camera into my body and arch backward not to be hit by its tail.

On the last dive on the last day we were joined by three inquisitive humpback whales. The perfect end to a truly life changing ocean expedition.

Project - Ocean Culture Life